Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Challenges with Human Resource Departments Essay

HUMAN RESOURCE CHALLENGES 2 The Challenges with Human Resource Departments In todays workforce, the job of a manager for a human resource department faces many challenges and act as the mediator for the employees, organizations, and other stakeholder needs are to be addressed on issues related to laws, policies, and interpersonal skills, managing personnel issues, and setting an environment to coordinate a multicultural workforce. The human resource department requires an orderly approach to handle issues on any given day. This profession requires someone thats tactful and strategically prioritizes the business needs by recruiting employees that are qualified to do the job and sometimes it can be challenging when the control is†¦show more content†¦Employees from different backgrounds and diverse communities bring HUMAN RESOURCE CHALLENGES 3 an array of experiences, which challenges exists in an organization for an HR manager to deal with on a daily basis. A multicultural organization employs individuals with a variety of national and cultural backgrounds. The question is how a HR manager can make the organization’s vision comparable to these types of employees. The question isnt so simple because it encompasses different race, genders, ethnic groups, ages, education, and organizational backgrounds. The perceptions of how these individuals see themselves and other relies on how they are affected by each other. The HR manager recruit and hire these individuals and then it goes back to following up with the needs to effectively become proactive before issues of adaptability and communication gets to a point where human rights are violated and someone crosses the line or an individual becomes resistance to changes once policies and procedures are put into place after a situation become unb earable. Most HR managers feel diversity training will alleviate problems in a mixture of individuals, but sometimes that doesnt always work out and it takes a strategy to be implemented to create a culture of diverse backgrounds to work in an organization and function as a team. The bottom line is that more HR managers come acrossShow MoreRelatedChallenges Facing The Human Resource Department1314 Words   |  6 Pagesglobalization continues to boom, many challenges face the Human Resource Department. With employees and business spanning over many countries, continents and hemispheres, businesses will face cultural diversity, technology reliance, and many other risks that go along with international businesses. Human Resource departments have been forced to become more knowledgeable in the hiring, training and retention of managers in international businesses due to these challenges. 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